martes, 14 de febrero de 2012

Lesson Plan - Body Language for Presentations

Class Digitools - Week 4 - Task 5

Resources:   Youtube: Body language for presentations

Class level:   Intermediate + adults
Time frame:  50 min.

   - Work on basic simple presentations using a correct body language.
   - Speech and communication skills
   - Listening skills.
   - To learn skills body language using a digital tool.

   - Listening and watching a video on youtube.
   - Class brainstorming about which qualities are needed for such an exercise ideas about body language for   introductions signalling the importance of introduction, contac with the audience, saying good bye etc.

  - Students will do to next class a short presentation using the recommendations of youtube's video and others that the teacher explained.

domingo, 29 de enero de 2012


          We're going to use two new listening tools to improve listening skills:
          I would prefer 10 Questions for Stephen Hawking, click here:


          I would prefer this lesson (activity) for intermediative group.

          First class:   45 min.
          Next class:  45 min.
          Students will work in pairs.

- Develop students listening, speaking and thinking skills.
- Teach them to understand the correct pronunciation.
- Prepare questions for interviews and how to answer specific questions.
- Teach them to use listening tools for specific purposes.
- Write correct answers to specific questions.
- To learn new vocabulary.
- To know a new topic about science or technology.

- Students listen or read and answered the 10 questions in their notebook.
- The teacher asks them their responses and evaluated.
- Can be necesary to repeat the video.
- The teacher do a feedback on the board and tells to students the correct responses, pronunciation and writing.

In pairs or groups students will prepare a short interview to their classmates about the same kind of topic. After they will record it using
The teacher will review it and will do a feedback.


viernes, 27 de enero de 2012

About listening tools

I liked smories page because It has an original presentation and way to train students. It's preferently to kids but I think could to be in use for learners of differents ages or levels. All English speakers as a second language need to improve or train their listening skills frequently, right ?
Other page that I liked was wordia because it containts videos, games and different categories. Videos and games are great ways of engaging students to learn languages. Besides I found science and information technology categories. It was really good to me because lately my orientation as a teacher is technical English. I'm going to apply these tools soon but don't forget these twelve tools showeds are wonderfuls!

martes, 24 de enero de 2012

Story bird

I was exploring and learning more about the differents digital tools to writing,
each one is great and their use depend of the task and the specific purpose.
In my opinion I see storybird more illustrative and easy to use. It's a good thing
to mix writing and pictures, readers from differents ages like pictures or illustrations.
Storybird is amazing!
I would like to invite you to read my first story book here:

sábado, 21 de enero de 2012

About Technology Integration Matrix

I think I am in a adaptation process about uses of virtual technology but I like using different resources to teach and learn English. I see matrix technology is very interesting. The most important that you can apply it in differents leves and categories. I enjoyed the videos and pictures. Every teacher have their own needs and specific purposes but I see in each situation Matrix is great!.I want to continue exploring and learning more about it.

domingo, 15 de enero de 2012

A little bit about me:

Hello you all! I'm Paul from Perú. It's my first EVO experience. I'm happy to be here. I'm learning a lot with you all. I'm interested in virtual tools. I live near to the ocean on the pacific coast. We're so far but I feel you all close to me.